About Me!!!

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United States
I'm a surface pattern designer, photographer, gardener, doing everything with a boho, edgy flair.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Another fun exercise from "The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design" e-course was to come up with our own colorways. A colorway is basically a color palette, which I use to create my surface patterns. Coming up with a successful group of colors just by thinking of them is much harder than you think! I've tried that before. This way was much more fun as well.

I dug up some of my own travel photos and used the "color picker" in CorelDraw to copy a few of the colors that really "spoke to me" from each. I usually have a palette in mind as I draw my designs, so what I'll do is poke through a bunch of these and see which one is a good fit. Then I'll tweak the colors and play them off of each other. It's a process, folks! It ain't easy at times. But darn, it's a blast.

I also want to let you know about a fabulous blog called "Design Seeds", http://design-seeds.com/  It's one of my favorites, I usually choose my favorite color group of the day and post it on Pinterest and Facebook. It's so well done, and I get a lot of inspiration by what I see there. A lot of my friends enjoy seeing the colors as well.

Oh, and if you want to Pinterest any of my artwork or photography from here, please attach a link to this blog and give me credit. If you don't, I will find you and hurt you ;)

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